Kilimanjaro Assumption from 07 until 17 APRIL 2025

  • Kilimandjaro, exceptional view points everywhere

  • Kilimandjaro, each stage is a victory

  • Kilimandjaro Camp: Tents, Toilet, Restaurant Tents, Porter Tent

  • Kilimandjaro Breakfast

  • Kilimandjaro, 15 Km from summit

  • Kilimandjaro - a climbing team: clients, guides, porter

  • Kilimandjaro, the summit 5895 meters

  • Kilimandjaro, the summit 5895 meters, top of Africa

  • Kilimandjaro, luxurious breakfast at camp but no champagne

  • Kilimandjaro, congratulation

  • Kilimandjaro, top of Africa, 5895 meters

  • Kilimandjaro, Ethiopian Airlines or Qatar Airways

  • 4148,- € par personne
  • Du : lundi 07 avril 2025
    Au : jeudi 17 avril 2025
    Durée : 11-day and 8-night trip in Tanzania
  • Flights with Ethiopian Airlines via Addis Abeba

    Monday 07/04/2025 (arrival 08/04)

    Brussels – Addis Abeba 21.25 – 05.35

    Addis Abeba – Kilimanjaro 10.35 – 13.10

    Wednesday 16/04/2025 (arrival 17/04)

    Kilimanjaro – Addis Abeba 17.20 – 19.50

    Addis Abeba – Brussels  01.00 – 07.30

  • 8 nights in Tanzania 

    1 night in Kilemakyaro Mountain Lodge

    1 night in Machame Camp

    1 night in Shira Camp

    1 night in Barranco Camp

    1 night in Barafu Camp

    1 night in Mweka Camp

    1 night in Arumeru River Lodge

    1 night in Ormatai Lodge

Demandez des informations

Climbing the Kilimanjaro Mountain, the highest mountain of Africa, 5895 meters, is situated in the north of Tanzania along the border with Kenya

The Machame Route is probably the most beautiful one with a gradual ascent through a great variety of landscapes: tropical forest, wide landscapes with lower vegetation and desert slopes before reaching the snow cap, in total 5 overnights in tents. You will be assisted by a team of local persons including guides, porters, cook and waiter

The Kilimanjaro is 5895 meters and is situated in the north of Tanzania along the border with Kenya

Programme jour par jour en quelques mots ...

  • During the Easter holidays
  • Departure from Brussels with Ethiopian Airlines
  • The climbing of the Kilimanjaro
  • Overnight in Camps
  • Landscapes everywhere: Moorland landscapes, Ridges, Valleys, ...
  • The summit and the Certificate of climbing
  • Arumeru River Lodge, Out of Africa after the summit
  • Safari in Tarangire National Park
  • Local organisation for a successful climbing
  • Our experience, we did it and can advise you

Programme jour par jour

DAY 1 - Flight from Brussels to Addis Abeba

Monday 07 April: Brussels – Addis Abeba – Kilimanjaro

Flight with Ethiopian Airlines from Brussels Airport to Kilimanjaro via Addis Abeba

21.25 Departure from Brussels

Overnight on board

DAY 2 - Arrival at the Kilimanjaro Airport and transfer to Moshi

Tuesday 08 April: Arrival at the Kilimanjaro

05.35 Arrival at Addis-Adeba

Already exotic transit at the main hub of Africa in Addis-Ababa

10.35 Departure from Addis-Adeba

13.10 Arrival at Kilimanjaro Airport

Welcome by your guide(s) and transfer to Moshi at the foothill of the Kilimanjaro Briefing and preparation of your bags for the climbing

Possibility to rent some material at local shops

Dinner and overnight at the Kilimakyaro Lodge in the middle of a coffee plantation

DAY 3 - Machame Gate 1815m

Wednesday 09 April: Climbing day 1

Departure from your lodge to Machame Gate, where you will meet with your trekking team and entry formalities

Start of the climbing with this magnificent part in a verdant tropical rainforest followed by all your team

20 km

The trip counts 5 hours to 6 hours trekking

Machame Camp is just above the forest zone, in the heather zone

When it is clear, there are views of Shira ridge and the summit itself

Dinner in the restaurant-tent and overnight in your tent

Night in Machame Camp

Kilimanjaro Camp: Tents, Toilet, Restaurant Tents, Porter Tent

DAY 4 - Shira Camp 3840m

Thursday 10 April: Climbing day 2

Breakfast with a view and begin up the steep track through a savannah of tall grasses, and trees of giant Heather and Erica plants

The trip count 4 hours to 5 hours trekking from 3000 until 3840 meters

Walk through the magnificent Moorland landscapes

You’ll reach camp after descending a small valley and crossing a small stream, then ascending up onto the Shira Ridge

Night in Shira Camp

Kilimanjaro Breakfast

DAY 5 - Barranco Camp 3950m

Friday 11 April: Climbing day 3

Proceed steadily upward over long ridgelines of high desert until the Lava Tower Pass at 4600 m where you will have lunch

In the afternoon, descend the steep track into the Great Barranco Valley

Hanging glaciers glint in the sunshine above, amidst the eerie landscape of plants such as the giant groundsels (Senecio Kilimanjari), and the uniquely endemic Giant Lobelia

The trip count 6 hours to 7 hours trekking

Night in Barranco Camp

DAY 6 - Barafu Camp 4630m

Saturday 12 April: Climbing day 4

The day begins with a scramble up the steep ‘Barranco Wall’

We then trek 3 hours to 4 hours and stop in the Karanga Valley for a hot lunch

In the afternoon the trail turns steadily uphill

The temperature will grow colder and the landscape more sparse as we near Barafu Camp

Barafu Camp is set in a small, exposed flat area on a ridge, acting a base camp from which you will make your summit attempt at midnight tonight

Eat and drink as much as possible before retiring to your tent for rest and sleep.

DAY 7 - Mweka Camp 3110m

Sunday 13 April: Stella Point at 5985m

A midnight wake-up call is the start of a juggernaut

Trekking starts at 12:30 in the afternoon until 1 in the morning

The temperatures range from just below freezing at midnight

The winding path of endless switchbacks will take form and shape in the shadows of the Ratzel and Rebmann glaciers at early dawn, and behind you the spires of Mawenzi will be silhouetted against the red glow of the sun from beneath the clouds

After about 6 hours of walking, you will come to the edge of the crater, at Stella Point, at 5,790 mt., which is the end of the steep track

From here, there is a gentle slope upward about 1 hour to Uhuru Peak

Descend the steep scree trail back to Barafu Camp for some rest

Night in Mweka Camp

DAY 8 - End of the climbing

Monday 14 April: End of the climbing 

Descend straight to the gate, where you will have lunch and will be awarded climbing certificate

The trip counts 2 hours to 3 hours

After lunch, transfer to Arusha

Time for some rest at the pool of your lodge

Dinner at the hotel

Night in Arumeru River Lodge

DAY 9 - Tarangire National Park

Tuesday 15 April: Safari in Tarangire NP

Breakfast in the lodge

Safari in the Tarangire National Park. The park is famous for its large number of elephants, baobab trees and tree climbing African pythons

Transfer to Ormatai Lodge

Built inside Tarangire National park, Ormatai Rock benefits from its dramatic location, on the edge of massive kopjes. Facing West, it offers magnificent views over the park, and further on the horizon, over the Rift Valley, the Ngorongoro Crater and the lakes Burunge and Manyara.



DAY 10 - Flight back

Wednesday 16 April: Kilimanjaro – Addis Abeba – Brussels 

Early breakfast, morning game drive.

Departure for Arusha and lunch.

Transfer to Kilimanjaro airport and flight back to Brussels via Addis Abeba

Flight with Ethiopian Airlines

17.35 Departure from Kilimanjaro

20.05 Arrival in Addis Abeba


DAY 11 - Arrival to Belgium

Thursday 17 April: Return to Brussels

01.00 Departure from Addis Abeba

06.15 Arrival to Brussels with beautiful memories


Price and Conditions

Price per person in double room: 4148,- Euro

Price of this trip is based on 4 participants

Price is calculated with the currency rate at 1,06 USD for 1 Euro
Taxes and Fuel costs will be adjusted at the moment of the emission of the tickets 

Passport always valid 6 months after the day of return

Demandez des informations

Les détails du prix

Ce prix comprend

  • Flights and taxes with Ethiopian Airlines
  • 8 overnights including 5 nights in tents
  • Trekking on the Kilimanjaro
  • Professional and experiemented team: guides, porters for material and luggage's, chef cook, waiter, ...
  • Meals from day 3 until day 8
  • Transfers

Ce prix ne comprend pas

  • Meals, lunch and dinner not specified
  • Drinks
  • Optional visits
  • Insurances, cancellation and Assistance
  • Tips for Drivers and Guides during the climbing